| Caso do mês - julho 2024 | Case of the month - July 2024

From the ileum to the stoma - Silent multiple lymphomatous polyposis in mantle cell lymphoma   [1º classificado - PIE 2024 - Fotografia ]

We share the case of a 79-year-old male with past history of sigmoid colon cancer, diagnosed in the context of bowel obstruction and submitted to an emergent Hartmann procedure, maintaining the colostomy ever since. After three years, the patient was diagnosed with mantle cell lymphoma (MCL). The staging CT scan, showed a heterogeneous appearance of the colic and ileal mucosa. Colonoscopy showed multiple polyps, some with central umbilication, between the colostomy and the terminal ileum (as shown in figures). The biopsies of the polyps were compatible with MCL. The patient was diagnosed with a MCL stage IVA (Ann-Arbor classification).



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